Worklight Theatre

It’s The Economy, Stupid!

Thursday 24th October 2024 - 7.30pm

TICKETS: £10, £8 concession (+booking fee)

It’s the Economy Stupid is a bold new show from the Fringe First winning creators of Labels and Fanboy Joe Sellman-Leava and Dylan Howells. Together they embark on a quest to uncover how the economy wins elections and why the force that dominates our lives is so bloody complicated!

Armed with brown bags, an old board game and a pinch of theatrical magic, Joe and Dylan calculate how their lives how they’ve been shaped by the economies they grew up in.

Developed with and directed by internationally acclaimed Katharina Reinthaller, and produced by Worklight Theatre, It’s the Economy Stupid is a bold new show from the Fringe First winning creators of Labels and Fanboy.

Brilliant show! Ingenious storytelling showing how the ideology of neoliberal economics and ‘free markets’ is not just a false narrative but the very real impact it has on people’s lives such as Joe and his family’s small business. Hard to get economic concepts across without sounding like a lecture, but this is an entertaining, touching, funny, cleverly staged and energetic show with important messages – best show that I saw at Fringe.

-Audience member, Ed Fringe 2024

Early R&D of this show took place at Proteus Creation Space in April 2024, we are delighted to support Joe and Dylan as part of our Performance Lab programme, supporting artist to make new work. Find out more here.



£ 10 adult | £8 concessions* +booking fee
We do not send out physical tickets, your email confirmation is proof of booking. (Please check your spam folder, if you can’t see a confirmation email).
*concessions are under 16’s, students or unwaged

Dates and times: Thursday 24th October| Bar opens from 7pm, show begins at 7.30pm

Running Time: 60 minutes

Suitable for: 12+ (guidance only). Contains strong language and some audience participation


- Broadway Baby on Fanboy

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